
風の沢 沿革

平成12年 2000


Purchased from landowner Kazuyoshi Takahashi

平成15年 2003


Purlin, plank warehouse restoration

平成16年 2004


Stables, tree warehouse restoration

平成18年 2006

湯殿建立 宿泊を試験的に実施

Built a bathroom, Accommodation on a trial basis

平成19年 2007



Trial start of gallery such as purlin rental

Built a hall

平成20年 2008



岩手宮城内陸 地震発生

第1回くりはら万葉祭 -土と火のまつり- 開催

母屋の地震による被害を修復 板倉を改装し、ショップとする

Named “Kazenosawa Gallery”

Start gallery activity

Iwate Miyagi inland earthquake occurred

The 1st Kurihara Manyo Festival -Soil and Fire Festival- Held

Repairing damage caused by the earthquake in the main building,

Renovating plank warehouse to make it a shop

平成21年 2009


The interior of tree warehouse will be constructed and used as an exhibition room

平成22年 2010

青白磁作品による里山の見え方「陶思考 吉川正道展」を開催

Held “Ceramic Thinking Masamichi Yoshikawa Exhibition”

on how to see Satoyama with blue and white porcelain works

平成23年 2011

「 風の沢ミュージアム」に改称


東日本大震災発生,支援活動 現代いけばな作家による生命の表現「華思行 松田隆作展」を開催


Renamed to “Kazenosawa Museum”

Make plank warehouse a gallery

Great East Japan Earthquake,

Support Activities Held “Hana Shiyuki Matsuda Ryusaku Exhibition”,

an expression of life by contemporary ikebana artists

Open the road to the back Satoyama Park

平成24年 2012

段ボール彫刻による社会風刺「紙思考 本濃研太展」を開催


Held “Paper Thinking Honno Kenta Exhibition”,

a social satire with cardboard engraving

Work on the maintenance of the back Satoyama Park

平成25年 2013

木彫作品による「愛思考 伊藤光治郎展」を開催

Held “Love Thinking Kojiro Ito Exhibition” by wood carving work

平成26年 2014

陶芸作品による「土思考 泉田之也展」を開催 ショップ&カフェ新設

Held “Soil Thinking Yukiya Izumita Exhibition” with ceramic works New shop & cafe
Inauguration of director “Yumison”

平成27年 2015


– Robert Smithson without Robert Smithson」を開催

“Earth Project in Miyagi-Robert Smithson without Robert Smithson”

held by contemporary artists and art researchers

平成28年 2016

現代美術家による「おかざき乾じろ POST/UMUM=OCT/ OPUS展」を開催

“Okazaki Kenjiro POST / UMUM = OCT / OPUS Exhibition” by contemporary artists

平成29年 2017

現代美術家による「木村 泰平個展 長い話」を開催
ディレクター「ユミソン」退館、顧問「森 繁哉」体制へ

Held “Taihei Kimura Solo Exhibition: A Long Story” by a Contemporary Artist
Director “Yumi Song” leaves, advisor “Shigeya Mori” system

平成30年 2018

館長「森 繁哉」就任

Director “Shigeya Mori” inaugurated
Held a jointly produced behavioral art exhibition “Going Home, Chaos Mose”

令和1年 2019

共同制作による行動芸術展「家は歌っている -お蚕様の紡ぎからー」を開催

Held a jointly produced behavioral art exhibition

“The house is singing-from the spinning of silk moths”

令和2年 2020

共同制作による行動芸術展「反復の家 —祈りの岸辺から―」を開催

Held a jointly produced behavioral art exhibition

“Repeated House-From the Shore of Prayer-“


風の沢 変遷






Kazenosawa Museum owner Setsumi Sugiura came across this place and houses from a certain connection.
The houses, which were uninhabited for more than 20 years, were surrounded by dense trees and buried in the thrown trash. The back mountain collapsed and entered the house, the foundation and floor were rotten, and the building was tilting and decaying. Fortunately, however, the roof, which was protected by galvanized iron, did not damage the structural materials, and the roof only had to be repaired by a method called walla.

When it was first built as much as possible, we continued to restore it, with the help of many craftsmen and the elderly, including local carpenters, in an attempt to restore it to its original appearance 200 years ago.
At first, there was no bath, and while going to the nearby Kawato Onsen every day, I picked up a light tiger, a reaper, a chainsaw, etc., carved out the back mountain that became like a jungle, and cleaned the bamboo bush while crawling on the ground. ..

Perhaps because of that, the houses and mountains gradually returned to their original form, the floors polished by their predecessors also regained their luster, and I felt that the houses were rejuvenating day by day. Was there.

The shape gradually began to take shape, and there was also the idea of ​​a guest house, but as a space where people gather and express with the new Kurihara wind by blowing the wind of other places into the land of Kurihara where there was a connection. We named it “Kaze no Sawa” and opened a gallery.

After that, in order to continue activities that do not fit in the frame of the gallery while conducting various special exhibitions, the name was changed to “Kazenosawa Museum” and it continues to the present day.